How to know if breastfeeding is going well


Here’s a favourite from the toolkit this week;

I share this page (click here) from UNICEF so often with new parents.

When breastfeeding directly you don’t see how much milk is going into your baby, there is no satisfying visual as a full bottle becomes empty. To see how much is going in you have to wait and see how many wet & dirty nappies your baby produces and…an even longer wait, till the baby grows and you see them moving up the growth charts. This requires a leap of faith which can be a real struggle. It’s so easy to feel lost & unable to trust your instincts, especially for parents unfamiliar with normal breastfed baby behaviour.

This simple chart is such a useful page to print & keep handy for when the doubts creep in.

A quick daily glance at this can allay fears and build confidence for families, reassuring you that your baby is thriving on breast milk, and that your babies behaviour is normal.

If you would like me to visit you at home to support with breastfeeding your newborn there is more info here.


Related article in The Bum Mag.


Becoming a mother & dealing with criticism