Buy Antenatal Colostrum Kit
Colostrum collection kits
There is a new government warning about the lids on colostrum syringes after six reported incidents in which the cap of the SteriFeed device became lodged in the back of a baby’s mouth when it was not removed before being used to feed the infant directly.
No fatalities have been reported, however one infant required emergency surgery.
For now the advice is to use for collecting & storage but not for baby feeding
🤷🏽♀️ So where does that leave us?
😩I have seen some comments that this is the parents fault and it’s just common sense, however, I sympathise with exhausted people trying to master new equipment in stressful situations. In the past, I have even used some colostrum syringes which had a cap which was nearly see-through, and not round like these ones - frightening to consider how easily this could happen!
🏥 some postnatal wards are recommending using syringes with screw caps. Some postnatal wards are suggesting using syringes without lids, but others will not accept syringes without lids for fear of contamination.
❗️So, for now, please be careful, do you watch this space for more information and check with your Midwife team what will be allowed in your location.
🤱🏾Colostrum harvesting antenatally continues to be extremely important and a helpful safetynet to avoid early formula supplementation and get breast feeding off to a great start .

Why express colostrum antenatally?
You will have learned the skill in case you need it.
You might be able to store some.
Your baby may benefit from expressed colostrum if:
They are reluctant to feed, are separated for some reason, if your baby needs to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care or special care baby unit.
Expressed colostrum can help treat jaundice or low blood sugar while avoiding formula.
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