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What might a routine look like at 6 months old?
Before I was at Lactation Consultant, and before I was a mother, I was a nanny for 20 years. I looked after lots of babies from newborn and especially during their first year or two. In my experience, after babies are six months old, I feel it is easier to gently manipulate them into a routine. Maybe it's developmental, babies, this age do seem to start having more predictable habits.
It's really common that new parents ask me what kind of sleep routine babies should have. Much time and energy can be spent trying to enforce a routine on babies before six months and I don't personally find it helpful. It can even be a source of stress and feel rather counter-productive.

Why is it ideal to breastfeed exclusively?
The simple answer is that before around six months your baby’s gut is not sealed, particles from formula and other products can pass easily from the baby’s gut into the body where they can affect short and long term health.